I am a researcher in mathematics. My general interest are in symplectic and Poisson geometry, integrable systems, singular affine structures. Recently I also developed interest for mirror symmetry, in particular the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow approach.
I have defended my Ph.D. in June 2013. After a two years post-doc at EPFL and some teaching in Manchester, I am now a Research Fellow at the IBS Center for Geometry and Physics.
Symplectic and Poisson geometry
singular Lagrangian fibration, local models, focus-focus singularities

2017- present
IBS Center of Geometry and Physics
Research fellow (post-doc)
University of Manchester
Teaching assistant
2013 - 2015
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Collaborateur scientifique (post-doc)
(singular) Integral affine structure
sheaf approach of geometric structures, monodromy phenomenon, intrinsic convexity
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Almost-toric and semi-toric systems, Classification "Ã la Delzant", stratification
Lie theory and Lie algebras
Lie group actions on symplectic and Poisson manifolds, moment map
2009 - 2013
Université Rennes 1
Ph.D. scholarship & ATER
2005 - 2009
École Normale Supérieure Cachan - Ker Lann
Civil servant student
Strominger-Yau-Zaslow approach to mirror symmetry
Study of wall-crossing induced by focus-focus singularities. Symplectic aspect of the mirror reconstruction problem.
Functorial approach to the Delzant classification
Category theory, morphism of symplectic toric varieties,
Toric degeneration
Fano varieties, Newton-Okounkov bodies,